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Monday 27 April 2009
Quick Post !!!! Xp
hari ini gue bangun dengan masih inget-inget mimpi gue. i have a weird dream, but it makes me happy!!! hehehehe, ngga sabar mau cerita ke temen-temen XD. ok lanjut, bangun-bangun gue langsung main keyboard (bukan keyboard komputer maksudnya) sambil nonton tv. trus makan nasi rames + ayam bakar. karena gue ngga ada kerjaan, yaudah gue ol fb sama blog. iseng-iseng gue baru ngedit blog gue nih, hahahaha. trus di fb gue chat ama arrum dan cerita-cerita tentang blog dan akhirnya gue editin blog dia. kalo mau liat blog arrum liat aja di buddies, klik IJK yang di sebelah kanan. yaudah deh segitu aja, gue lagi boseen nih........enakan ngapain ya ????????

Hello My name is indah and I am a student in 49 JHS . Iam just an ordinary girl that want to make people around me to be happy I like ice cream, chocolate, candy, ice cream cake, and all the sweet things

(more crap about self)

and the others

irvina anggraeni putri
designer: clara
brushes/textures: xx
font: dafont
images: xxx